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David Burr / 2021-2026 / President


When I moved to Silver City in 2019, I actively solicited volunteer activities at the Silver City Food Co-op because it is a local gem. I received training for food handling and was assigned to bulk repacks, which I did for more than a year until a new general manager was hired. I am continuing to support the Co-op as a member of the Board. I have experience in board activities from other organizations and am enthusiastic to use these skills to contribute to the Co-op's expansion and future development. The next several years will be critical as the Co-op moves to a larger facility, with more locally-sourced products, while maintaining the current ambiance and small town atmosphere. I feel privileged to bring my experience to the Board of the Silver City  Food Co-op.


Tuan Tran / 2020-2026 /Vice President


I like what Grant County has to offer and I enjoy helping the community grow in a positive and sustainable direction. Having been an employee, I would like to encourage the Co-op's stated goal of being an empowering workplace for employees. Hopefully, we can imagine a pleasant future together.


Sandy Lang / 2025-2027 / Secretary


As a small-scale food grower from south Texas, I spent nearly eight years growing vegetables, meats and eggs for local restaurants, friends and personal consumption. I got spoiled eating my meals straight from the farm! When considering moving to Silver City, I was surprised and excited to discover a co-op offering local, healthy, organic food choices. It was an influential factor in my decision to move to the area. Once here, I immediately felt compelled to be a part of the Co-op so it continues to thrive and offer organic, local food choices to the community.

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Gwen Lacy / 2025-2027 / Treasurer


No farms, no food! Simple, yet true. My first exposure to food co-ops was in college in the 1980s when I volunteered at the Isla Vista Food Co-op in Isla Vista, California. Right away, I was hooked and I have made locally sourced, artisanal, organic, free trade, sustainable agriculture, along with the sense of camaraderie fostered by local community markets, my mainstay ever since. The Co-op is the primary reason I decided to call Silver City home. Well, the Co-op and 3.3 million acres of open space! Grateful to give back to the Co-op, an esprit de corps, that gives so much to so many and that has been the cornerstone of the community for over 50 years.




Paul Slattery / 2025-2027 / Member


I started working at the Silver City Food Co-op in 2013 and retired from there, when I retired in 2019. I found working at the Co-op very uplifting and soon realized it was the hub and heart of a community of people like myself. Working here helped me become more connected with all of Silver City. So, after having some time off in retirement and a Covid vaccination, I decided to step up and start contributing again to the Co-op by being a board member. I feel my extensive life experience, including many years of consensus decision-making processes, work at mainstream jobs, multiple co-ops, and many non-profits enable me to contribute to a healthy Co-op from many different perspectives.


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Leo Andrade / 2022-2026 / Member


Working for a small, family-owned grocer through high school and college, not only helped me earn money for books and clothing, it also provided me with the experience of stocking, bagging, customer service and cashiering. I became knowledgeable of the "ins and outs" of running a small community-focused grocery. When my partner and I first visited Silver City in 2015, we knew immediately that it would be our new home. We are devoted and appreciative customers of the Silver City Food Co-op. Since joining the SCFC Board in January of 2021, I have been strongly supportive of growing the Co-op's presence and delivery of wholesome foods in the Silver City marketplace. I am a passionate supporter of working toward making the move of the Co-op to its new Pope Street location a reality. Striving to deliver to Silver Citians a first-class source of healthy food options, especially locally-sourced products, is my passion.




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Kristina Kenegos / 2022-2025 / Member


After a career as an elementary and middle school teacher, I moved to Silver City from Kauai, Hawaii where I lived on a farm. My partner grew food for a living and so I learned the steps of small scale farming and the beauty and challenges of growing food. Here, in an ever-changing climate, I live out this ethic of compost and production. But I am constantly aware that I am part of a larger whole and there is a need for coordination of our efforts. Being on the Board of the Co-op is one way that I can become more involved in building a stronger community-wide understanding of the importance of food.




​Cinde Thomas-Jimenez / 2025 / Member


Born in Silver City and raised in Texas, I decided to come back to Silver after retirement. I'm a lifelong gardener, and have always appreciated the value of fresh-grown fruits and veggies and the availability of wholesome food. My working years included teaching in public schools and universities, and working for various water agencies as an Environmental Educator. I've served on a number of non-profit boards, including an Environmental Learning Center and a Water Co-op. I'm happy to be back in New Mexico and am looking forward to becoming a part of the Food Co-op, an amazing local entity, which is loved by so many community and county residents.



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