Success Story of a Little Food Co-op in Southwest New Mexico (The Silver City Food Co-op History) by

520 N. Bullard Street Silver City, N.M. 88061 575-388-2343 Open Mon thru Sat 9am- 7pm * Sun 11am - 5pm

How to Become a Member
It’s easy, just sign up with any cashier.
Membership is $20 per year per household. There is no work requirement.
By joining the Co-op you become part of a member owned, member-controlled business that operates for the mutual benefit of its members and community and is guided by the cooperative principles and values.
Customers can special order any product available through our suppliers at no additional cost.
Our membership list is always kept confidential.
Why Should You Become a Member?
You have a chance to be a member of and support a store committed to bringing you the highest quality organic produce, dairy products, healthy groceries, bulk foods and herbs, supplements, natural body care products and more.
You are eligible to receive 10% off everything during Member Appreciation Days (MAD).
Members receive a 10% discount on selected products throughout the store, including full cases of many grocery items, full bags of many bulk grains, coffees, beans, and cases of produce. If you take advantage of this opportunity during MAD, you'll get an additional 10% off on these items.
Membership grants you an opportunity to purchase selected products off-the-shelf at SPECIAL MEMBER PRICES!
As a member, every dollar you spend at the Co-op is vote for a stronger local economy.
Membership entitles you to help lead Silver City Food Co-op and shape our future by voting for and, if you choose, running for our Board of Directors. You may also attend Board meetings and serve on one of their committees.
Welcome to our community of shoppers and staff! You have just joined 1,900 other owners who are committed to improving access to healthy, local foods and creating a more just equitable food system.
What is a Co-op?
A cooperative is a business. Co-ops range in size from small storefronts to large Fortune 500 companies. In many ways, they’re like any other business; but in several important ways they’re unique and different.
Cooperatives around the world generally operate according to the same core principles and values, adopted by the International Cooperative Alliance in 1995. Cooperatives trace the roots of these principles to the first modern cooperative founded in Rochdale, England in 1844.
The 7 Cooperative Principles
1. Voluntary and Open Membership
2. Democratic Member Control
3. Member Economic Participation
4. Autonomy and Independence
5. Education, Training and Information
6. Cooperation among Cooperatives
7. Concern for Community